Your parent or grandparent has worked hard to pay down their mortgage in order to enjoy a financially stress free retirement. They live alone and don’t have much interaction with others. Eventually, a caretaker or maybe even a family member begins to visit and help them around the house. They enjoy the companionship and the extra help. They begin to trust this individual and rely on their assistance with financial matters as well. It’s nice having someone around to help explain documents and clear up financial matters. It’s one less thing to worry about between doctor visits. One day they receive a strange document in the mail suggesting there is something going on with the title to their property. Eventually you get involved and learn that your parent /grandparent has been misled to unknowingly sign a deed granting ownership in their property to this caretaker or relative. By now the person who misled your parent/ grandparent is “in the wind”. Your parent/ grandparent may have been the victim of elder abuse.
Unfortunately, this situation happens too often. But, there is help!
Your loved one may have been the victim of Elder or Adult Dependent Financial Abuse, better known as Elder Abuse. Fraud and other violations of civil and criminal codes may also be pursued here. In addition to possible criminal charges, a quiet title action may be necessary to restore rightful ownership and get rid of the “cloud” that is now on the title to their property. This can be a very involved and lengthy process and there may be time limits to when you must file a claim.
If you or a loved one has experienced this type of fraud, and may be the victim of financial elder abuse, contact an attorney today !